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  3. WolfspyreLabs Shortcodes/


🐺 🔥 🔬 Shortcodes
Create a styled, attention-catching message box within your article.
It’s useful for drawing attention to important information that you don’t want the reader to miss.

I wanted something SIMILAR to congo’s alert shortcode:

… but with more flexibility.

“Like This”

So… in my usual why not? fashion; I decided to robustify it.

Here are the configuration parameters:

Attributes #

Position Name Usage default
icon Leverages any asset in the assets/icons/ folders. triangle-exclamation
roundness Sets the value of rounded-x. Supported options: [ 0 none sm md lg full xl xxl 2xl ] md
bgcolor Sets the background color of the callout **See Color support options primary-100
bgdark Sets the background color of the callout when in dark mode **See Color support options primary-900
iconcolor Sets the color of the callout icon **See Color support options primary-400
icondark Sets the color of the callout icon when in dark mode**See Color support options primary-400
textcolor Sets the background color of the callout **See Color support options primary-400
textdark Sets the background color of the callout when in dark mode **See Color support options neutral-300
classes Overload the classes with a custom collection. Supercedes any declared colors. so you’ll need to redeclare them flex px-4 py-3
Note about Positional Params
Not ALL available parameters are referencable positionally.
If you want the additional flexibility afforded from the less common parameters, call them by name.

Attributes #

icon #

String Default: triangle-exclamation
The name of the icon (Without the .svg extension.)

roundness #

String Default: md
The rounded tailwind property to apply to the callout container

bgcolor #

String Default: primary-100
The color to use for the background of the callout

bgdark #

String Default: primary-900
The color to use for the background of the callout when in dark mode

iconcolor #

String Default: primary-400
The color to use for the icon the callout

icondark #

String Default: primary-400
The color to use for the icon the callout when in dark mode

textcolor #

String Default: primary-400
The color to use for the text the callout

textdark #

String Default: neutral-300
The color to use for the text the callout when in dark mode

classes #

String Default: undef
The set of tailwind classes to apply to the icon’s parent span element.

Color options #

Tailwind supports the following as valid ‘color’ options:

  • (primary|secondary|neutral)-shade
  • primary-shade/opacity
  • color-shade/opacity
  • #000000#FFFFFF
  • #00000000#FFFFFFFF

Examples #

Example 1: No params

{{﹤ callout>}}
**Warning!** This action is destructive!
Should display a callout
Warning! This action is destructive!

Example 2: Unnamed param

{{﹤ callout "bomb" "xl" "primary-100/20" "primary-100/20" "secondary-400/50"
"secondary-400/50" "red-400/50" "red-400/50">}}
**Warning!** I ATE BEANS TODAY!

Should use the params’ values as expected:

BG: primary-100/20 Icon: secondary-400/50 Text: red-400/50

Example 3: Named params

{{﹤ callout icon="bomb" roundness="xl"
textcolor="neutral-500" textdark="neutral-900" bgcolor="secondary-400/50" bgdark="secondary-400/20" iconcolor="red-400/80" icondark="red-400/80" >}}
**Warning!** I ATE BEANS TODAY!
Should use the params' values as expected BG: secondary-400/50 BG Dark: secondary-400/10 Icon: red-400/80 Icon Dark: red-400/80 Text: neutral-500 Text Dark: neutral-900