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WolfspyreLabs KibbleBowl

Where the unchewable… …becomes….
ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  well… Just really damned tasty.

Please mind the mess. There are still some Skwirrelz ๐Ÿฟ๏ธ in the code here an there.

Dad doesn’t speak a language other than “eeng rash”1
…The dialect our human-pack-mates use to communicate.

So… In our usual supportive pack fashion2, we have created, and present for your amusement and perusal The world’s first3 website translated to Bark Canine Proper.
( ๐Ÿพ work ๐Ÿถ ongoing)

Don’t judge.

  • Visit our Contributors page.

  • Feel invited to explore the mostly Functional Examples:


  1. I hope we got that right..

  2. I’m reasonably certain this effort should earn me us a significant increase in delicious snacks.

  3. Admittedly, I may have fabricated this assertion. …But… Who’s gonna prove me wrong?